Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day Eighteen

Sorry this is late. I was unhappy last night to write anything. 

Yesterday started out really well. We had a picnic for all the catholic Indians in the area. (Those pictures shall come later...on my other camera.) Anyways, the  picnic is like a potluck and every family has to bring a dish. It was a lot of fun! I got to play with all the cute babies. :3 I ended up playing three hours of soccer too... I can barely move now. /sobbing

After the picnic, it was about 6ish. We literally had nothing to eat at home so we stopped at Five Guys! Yumyum. Dad really loves this place. 

So then we went home and ate and it was all good. Then we decided to watch some Indian movie together as a family since grandma really wanted to watch it. So then all hell breaks loose. 

I go upstairs to find my mom sitting in my chair. I asked her to move since I always sit there and my legs were hurting and she was like is your name written on this couch? ._. So I decided to sit in dad's spot. He came a couple minutes later and was like "dafuq go move". I was like not until mom moves from my seat. 
And then everyone was yelling for a couple minutes and I was like I don't want to watch the movie and went to bed. Mom stormed out shortly after since dad yelled at her. She then came to yell at me and said I always ruin everything. 

Moral of the day: "Don't have kids. They ruin everything."

Fast forwarding to this morning, mum is still acting like a butt and won't talk to me. I'm like "don't even care". 

Yup :|

I'll try getting those pics soon!

Asian Mother 


  1. don't worry be happy :D...

    I miss five guys soo hungry
