Friday, October 11, 2013

Day Sixty-Six

Dear David, 

Today is the worst davidday ever! The one day we don't have school, I'm faced with two essays, two tests, and a research proposal alldye next week. And that's without regular physics/math homework. UGH. 

On another note, today is Gabe's birthday. Big 1-8. He's pretty excited I think. Well he should be. I hope to buy him something cool to give him over the weekend. 

I checked my grades online today! I'm doing pretty well ^^ Only B is in physics >:|

(Basically what I'll be doing all weekend...)

So that's that. And I have to write my college apps soon too. Arghhhh. So much to do and so little time. 

I really want to go out for food sometime with everyone. Jake had sushi with his mom yesterday and was bragging about it and made me feel really hungry :c 

Oh and then in a couple weeks Whitney has her Halloween party! Literally the first party I'm going to in high school. (My life is so sad...) She said I needed to dress up but I have no desire to. And I don't wanna buy a costume. SO.... I think I'm going to go to Party City or something and buy face paint makeup and do something of the sorts below. Basically make myself white. GG.

It'll be interesting... That's for sure. 

OH OH OH THEN NEW THING I STARTED OMG SO THE HEIRS (THAT DRAMA I WAS FLIPPING ABOUT) STARTED A COUPLE DAYS AGO AND OMG LEE MIN HO IS A HOT MOFO. <3 YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT. The first episode actually was kind of ehhhhh but I'm gonna wait until the second episode to make any judgements of sorts. But Lee Min Ho ;-;

Come to the dark side. Be with me. Let's be weird together. 

Asian Mother <3

Monday, October 7, 2013

Day Sixty-Two

Dear David, 

Sorry I haven't posted in so long. I hope to change that starting tomorrow!

For now: 

Day Thirty-Two to Day Thirty-Nine (from weeeeeeeeks ago...)

Dear David, 

This week was pretty busy. 

Sunday was especially fun, though! We had a church picnic. Each racial community had like a stall of food, so mum and the other Indians made the curry you had at hour house and some rice :3 There were plenty of kids running around and it was pretty hot.

Well, this week was pretty hot in general... IT GOT UP TO 100 DEGREES I MELTED. 

So Monday was an A day, and you know we switch every other day. On A Days, I only have science inquiry and volunteering where on B Days I have modern lit, international relations, TA for Wendi with Lehi (he's my TAA (teachers assistant's assistant lolol) 

So during volunteering, I took a couple pictures of one of the baby's I take care of! Technically it's against policy but she was so cute I could not ;-; Her name is Evelyn!


Then Tuesday was sorta a bad day... Late in the night, I had a fight with Gabe about the way he handles things. >.< It was pretty bad. I made him friendship spaghetti and meatballs though, which made him happy in Wednesday :3 It was 100 on Wednesday btw >.>

Thursday was okay. It wasn't as hot, but I was wearing a dress so it felt breezy from underneath xD Thursday was a B day, so I had Passes and Wendi. I had Momo today too but we had a lab so my phone was away. 


You can see Dean, Kitty, Lehi, Jake's back, and Ashley lolol :3

Here in Wendi's we have Nathan sitting next to me, Mark, Katelyn, and others xD